
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:46:51
英语四级,每种题型选择题多少个?分值多少?如题.不要废话 例如:听力 20个 每个7分 已知f(x)是一次函数,且2f(x)+f(-x)=3x+1对x属于R恒成立,则f(x)= 如果在某个区间内恒有f´(x)=0,那么函数f(x)有什么特性? 已知f(x)是一次函数,且满足3f(x+1)-2f(x-1)=2x+17,求f(x). She is go shopping now这句话语法正确么? 长轴长为10,离心率为4/5的椭圆的标准方程 两列火车同时从两站对开,甲车每时行105千米,乙车每时行96千米,经过3分之7时两车相遇.两站间的铁路长多少千米? 焦点在y轴上,短轴长为6,离心率是√10/10求椭圆的标准方程 This flower can be planted easily in home gardens but____plenty of water and not toomuch require B.they require C.required D.requiring 在△ABC中,以BC为直径的圆O交AB于D点,交AC于E点,AD=3,S△ADE=S四边形BCED,CE=2分之根号二,求∠A求角B的正弦值 These flowers can be planted easily in home gardens but plentyof water and not too much sun 在△ABC中,以BC为直径的圆O交AB于D点,交AC于E点,AD=3,S△ADE=S四边形BCED,CE=根号2/2,求∠A,∠B的 如图△ABC中,D,E分别是AB,AC边上的点,DE‖BC,AD=2,BD=3且S△ADE=2求S四边形BCED 将下列AB两组单词组成复合词,并译成汉语 A B basket class home book rain sun after waterBworkballroomcoatflowercasefallnoon People should have supplies of water and foodat home and at work,which is especially necessary in possible occurrence of an earthquake请帮忙翻译成中文 《道德经》与《老子》这两本书是一样的吗? 有没有研究老子《道德经》的人可以跟我聊聊老子的思想和他的著作吗 The s_ water in the river looks very turbid.填个S开头的词不是要翻译这句话 是填一个S开头的字母 如图,D是△ABC的边AB上一点,过D点作DE‖BC交AC于E.已知AD:DB=2:3,则S△ADE:S四边形BCDE等于?A. 2:3 B. 4:9 C. 4:5 D.4:21(三角形ABC是一个任意三角形,麻烦自己画图.) c语言 打出一个菱形#include void main (){char a[i][j]={{" "," ","Ο"},{" ","Ο"," "," Ο",},{"Ο"," ","","","Ο"},{" ","Ο"," "," Ο",},{" "," ","Ο"}};for (i=0,i 这里make为什么要加sA light purse makes a heavy heart为人无钱心事重 He was made(by his father)to stopwatchong TV.括号里的内容如果加进去这句话还正确吗? Beijing was made host to the 2008 Olympics 为什么要加to? 一个大菱形中间有一个小菱形,是个什么牌子的服装? 伊丽莎白一世的Queen's queen's blade rebellion是什么意思 英语翻译求这句话意思 be made to tremendous use is made of statistics to measure the dynamic difference in market resulting from the proportional allocation to advertising书上说这句话主语为use,谓语为is made.主句正常语序为tremendous use of statistics is 四个数字相加得出一个日期,怎么算. FirstService Department是什么意思?如题,这个短语该怎么翻译?第一服务部门?好像不太通顺. Chongqing Foreign Agency Service Department中文是什么 he c( ) that the exam was too hard ,这个是什么呢