
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:59:10
country or region是什么意思 注册PS4中的Country and Region应该选什么找不到中国,也没有亚洲啊 We must study hard for the peoplefor the people 在这里是什么成分?一个句子里可以有两个状语吗?这里hard 和for the people 是不是都做状语? They have some gloves.改为一般疑问句 英语听力特别差劲,上听力课听不懂,怎么样才能有所改善? Mike live with his parents in a big_____RT填词,开头f 交一份创业策划书平时都不去上课,作业确实是没要求的,让我们自由发挥,随便写开个什么店面什么的都可以了 since two day ago和two day ago还是for two day相同?怎么区分 In order to catch up with hei classmates,____.A,Mary's father helped her with her lessons.B,Mary worked very hard.C,a great help was given to mary. I studied hard.I wanted to catch up with my classmates.同义句I studied hard___ ____I___catch up with my classmates. 塑胶品质QE知识和QC7大手法具体画法(含图形、解读)主要是QC7大手法的图形 阅读 不必在乎你的对手是谁 They have never been to New York,_____? 戊戌变法开始的标志是公车上书吗?还是定国是诏的颁布固定投资增长的影响及原因 戊戌变法开始的标志是公车上书还是定国是诏? 戊戌变法的根本目的?什么事件直接引发了公车上书? I have been putting on weight中putting是什么时态?原形怎么拼写 some ads on losing weight have been banned from being broadcast on TV一些减肥广告已经在电视上停播了被动是用在被禁止上 have been banned为什么后面是being broadcast?而不是 have been banned from broadcasting? 由hair my is long so组成的句子是什么? 回忆2008年地震当时你的经历和感受,用一两段话写下来急 急 哪些人经历过地震,说说感受我是江苏南通的,九几年时有过三次地震 if youou want to learn skating,the most important thing for you to learn is__.A to keep balanceB how to keep balance If you want to learn skating ……见图43题 为什么不能选a?答If you want to learn skating ……见图43题 为什么不能选a?答案是b keep的用法能给我详细说明下吗? 1.There were many people ____ the beach thet day.A.at B.to C.for D.beyond2.We had been there ___ a week.A.of B.about C.at D.for Too many people 感恩的心阅读答案 I hear that your teacher ___ to English once.Yes,he ___ there last year.A.gone;went B.has been;has been C.went;has been D.has been;went选什么?理由 The teacher told me ____(correct) the mistakes at once. BEYOND的《真的爱你》表达了怎样的感情 beyond农民这首歌想表达什么 感恩的心手语从哪看 激光炮所需的能量从何而来(专家进)激光炮发射激光之后需要冷却吗,它的能量是什么呢