
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:02:01
已知(a-b)²=7,(a+b)²=13,试求a²+b²和ab的值. 比较a的平方加上b的平方与 ab + a + b + 1的大小 仿照下面一段话,以"那双小手"开头写一个句式相同的句子那双眼睛,如秋水,如寒星,如宝珠,如白水银里养着两丸黑水银造句:那双小手,___________________________________________________ 无线电发射电路电路图是 电路中的电感式多少? 谁有最简单的无线电发射与接收的电路图, 简单的无线电发射电路用2AP的检波管和一个耳机串联能听到声音 英语翻译A developer has land that has x feet of lake frontage.The land is to be subdivided into lots,each of which is to have either 80 feet or 100 feet of lake frontage.If 1/9 of the lots are to have 80 feet of frontage each and the remain 40 lo 无线电发射和接收电路!本人是一名电工.由于工作的地方距宿舍有约三公里远.在下班时间都要随时了解主配电柜几个回路的通断.所以想在开关下面装一个无线发射器.只要回路中有电,无线电 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译一下If 4x is 9 greater than the sum of x and 3y,then x is how much greater than GRE数学题 帮忙翻译解答一下呀 谢啦A rectangular pool of uniform depth is being filled with water at a constant rate of 200cubic feet mer minute, and the water level in the pool is rising at a rate of 3/4 foot per hourThe area of the bott 电脑是由哪些部分组成的 求翻译GRE数学题The figure above shows the dimensions of a semicircular cross section of a one-way tunnel. The single traffic lane is 12 feet wide and is equidistant from the sides of the tunnel. If vehicles must clear the top of the tunnel by 电子是由什么组成的?真的不能再分了吗?唉…… 已知已知a+b=17,ab=60求a²-b² 英语翻译The ration of the lesser of two consecutive positive integers to the greater看不懂~本来题目是有一张图的. 已知(a+b)²=17,ab=3.求(a-b)²的值 谁有简单的FM收音机的电路图, 最简单的收音机电路是什么样的? 电脑是由什么结构成的电脑里都有什么东西 求最简单收音机电路图 电脑是由哪些组成 英语翻译一 Given that y varies directly as x^2 and that y=48 when x=4 ,find the equation connecting y and x . 英语翻译For k>0 ,let Ik=10.064 ,where there are k zeros between the 1 and6 the .Let Nk be the number of factors of 2 in the prime factorization of Ik .What is the maximum value of Nk 特别是 the number of factors of 2 in the prime factorization 帮我翻译一道数学题the base of a solid is an equilateral triangle of side s, with one vertex at the origin and altitude of the triagle lies along the x-axis . each plane section perpendicular to the x-axis is a square, one side of which lies 计算机是有那几部分组成的 计算机由哪几部分组成?这几部分主要包括哪些设备? 英语翻译a six-sided,fair die is rolled 100 times. 有理数a大于b,a的平方与b的平方的大小关系 命题"a,b是有理数,若a大于b,则a的平方大于b的平方若结论不变,怎样改变条件,命题才能正确?答案是将条件改为a大于b大于1,可我觉得应该是a大于b大于等于0? 已知a,b都是有理数,比较2ab与a的平方+b的平方的大小关系拜托! 若a是有理数,且-1 如何制作无线电的接收电路?