
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 05:34:09
我想要雅思作文模板!我复习过不短日子了,但总是对写作不放心,以前就总是在写作上失分,我明天就要考了,希望有仁兄有自己编得好的模板,发给我吧,然后留个名就行,如果考得好会给高分的! 上课不听讲的检讨怎么写,2500字的就是上课写小说而已嘛拜托各位了,我急用啊,帮帮忙了 上课不听讲的反思怎样写?1000字 The boys in this class like English,but_____ favorite subject is Chinese.A.they B.them C.their D.theirs 检讨书上课没认真听讲以后要怎么做 no,it is not in english,it is in chinese.怎么问 谁会写雅思作文,来谈谈写作经验? 谁有总结雅思作文的一些基本短语?想找大作文一些基本的短语比如表示转折的 :in addition; to the contrary 还有哪些? 还有开头结尾的 总之就是这一类的有没有谁总结好 或者哪里有下的谢谢 They are helpful to your _____.They are ____ food.(healthy)有助于回答者给出准确的答案 有没有雅思作文7分的人分享下经验RT就差作文了,不想放弃 雅思作文怎么快速提高 有经验的人指点 It's time for me __you __English.A.helping;learnB.helping;to learnC.to help;learningD.to help;learm #28.Yesterday was the second time his brother ___ (be) late for school.填什么,怎么理解的? 英语翻译 I believe that paid,always can get unexpected harvest什么意思 英语翻译Last february,fertility specialists reported screening embryos at high risk for inherenting a rare genetic mutaion that causes early-onset Alzheimer's diseases. 英语翻译从我居室的窗口望出去,可以看到一棵高高的芙蓉树.在那烟树参差的春日里,花红点点,煞是迷人.它牵动我的灵感,撩拨我的文思,久而久之,我竟视这位隔窗而立的“邻居”为知己了.可 有个关于及物动词的用法请英语高手帮下忙,dismiss vt.解散,遣散,让散开,让离开;把…打发走:把…不放在心上;(从脑海中)去除;摒弃,抛弃,剔除,不接受;拒绝考虑,不再考虑;She was dismissed a 英语翻译 英语翻译急用的快 魏武将见匈奴使翻译为什么要追杀此使 2题的函数图像 有急用 有一首英文歌,歌词有什么:I TOLD MY friends JENNEY ,然后是西班牙文! I think that my friend Kate is 1.6 meters___.A.high B.height C.tallshe Looks____sadA.a little bit B.a bit little C.a little ofClass begins!stop_____.A.to talk B.talks C.talkingDad,I‘m too tired .Let's stop _____.A.to have a rest B.havin a rest C.ha 一元一次方程解题哦~学霸们帮帮忙了会采纳的噢 一元一次方程, 最后一题,列一元一次方程式, 麻烦帮我改下这篇雅思作文..100分some people think it is acceptable to useanimals for the benefit of the human beings.some people think it is wrong to exploit animals for the human purpose.what's your opinion?正文These days there has bee 谁能给我说一些美句赏析 求美句赏析 美句:赏析:越多越好 call on sb 接什么 450字珍惜过去的作文急用