
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:02:42
英语翻译But red flowers,orange flowers and yellow flowers can protect themselves from sunlight by reflecting the red light,orange light and yellow light,each of which has a large quantity of heat.(另外这里的which如何翻译?) .劳驾! 英语翻译I was fortunate enough to win a few sales trips,I won Coach of the Year in my son"s baseball league,and I share a loving relationship with my wife,Karen,with whorm I had expected to be married to for the rest of my life!Thanks,Mr Rose! 把妈妈最喜爱的花瓶打碎,我的心打一歇后语 奶奶问我花瓶是谁打碎的,我真是的歇后语是什么 求让人懂得满足的唯美励志句子.50字以上.ax 求让人懂得满足的唯美励志句子.50字以上.te 南京为什么被称为“六朝古都” 已知如图AF平行CD,∠ABC=∠DEF,∠BCD=∠EFA,求证:AB平行CD,(提示:连接AD) 已知:AB=DE,BC=EF,CD=AF,∠A=∠D,试说明:∠ABC=∠DEF快,要完整 谁能给我几篇英语日记或美文十句话就够了 char a[7]="abcdef" char b[4]="ABC" strcpy(a,b) printf("%c",a[5])答案是f,但是我觉得是/0啊, 以下程序段的输出结果是_____.(注:ㄩ表示空格) char a[7]="abcdef";char b[4]=以下程序段的输出结果是_____.(注:ㄩ表示空格)char a[7]=“abcdef”;char b[4]=“ABC”;strcpy(a,b); printf(“%c”,a[4]); 在word里怎样打出汉语国际音标啊 急! 选择填空talk,find out,call up,argue,say.2.You should _about your probiems with your parents. you should talk it with your parents and then tell them (what) you concerns括号中what 加上是否对 请英语老师或英语好的同学回答 When your parents are old ,you should show your ____ (care ) to them 南京号称六朝古都,十朝都会,具体指的是什么? 搜集关于或记录当地流传的民歌、童谣.搜集有关诗歌的知识和故事.搜集关于或记录当地流传的民歌、童谣.搜集有关诗歌的知识和故事! 一批零件按5:3分配给甲乙两人加工,乙分得的零件比甲的30%多60个.这批零件共多少? 要有过程 一批零件按5:3分配甲,乙两人加工,乙分得的零件比甲的30%多60个.这批零件有多少个? 一批零件按5:3分配给甲乙两人加工,乙分得的零件比甲的30%多60个.共有多少个? 一批零件按5:3分配给甲和乙两人加工,乙分得的零件比甲的30%多60个,这批零件共有多少个?不要用解方程方法 帮忙翻译成英语“从花瓶里跳出一只老鼠”. l think you should ask your parents for some money.中文意思是什麽? He always______returning my money.What should i do?You should ask your parents for help.A puts off B breaks off C takes off D turns off _____ _____ you ask your parents for some money? you should your parents for some money. glastonbury festival是什么意思 作文美丽的春天怎么写? 写一篇春天的作文,句子要优美 每天,我挣开眼睛,只因为你 用英语怎么说 牵强的微笑、只因为你的一句对不起.用英语怎么说