
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:59:50
关于雪的拟人句 “鲜红的旗帜在风中飘扬”改成拟人句 I'm very excited a_______going to China补全单词 I'm very excited a_______ going to China.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词. I'm very excited about going on holiday请问这里的excited about You must be very excited about going to New York to study___,but I'm afraid i8 won't do well because my English isn't good enoughA.Idon't know yet B.Never mind c.Well ,I should be 有关明代的严嵩问题据说严嵩靠给皇帝做青词而得宠,但是何谓青词呢? 明朝时首辅严嵩在我看来他的能力很一般啊 为什么能做到首辅甚至排除异己呢? deep后加形容词的什么形式 grudge与malice都有恶意,仇恨的意思,请问两者的分别? please don’t cheat your teacher还是please don’t cheated your teacher Please until the teacher( )(come) 他们同时来这了 .They both came here ___ the ___ ___. 连词成句.1.children,today,the,not,do,school,have(.) 2.tomorrow,class,have,we,ouing,a(.) 明朝作恶多端的太监刘瑾做了什么事情 We feel tried and hungry(就tried and hungry提问) Where is Mike?He‘s still in the classroom.He___(leave)until his teacher comes是不是填not leaveA.not leave B.leaves C.didn’t leave D.won't leave My sister came here ten years ago(同义句)My sister came here ten years ago(同义句)My sister _____ ____here ______ten years agoThe film has been on for half an hoursIt ______half an hour ______the film _______ They have married for over ten years改错,并解释意思一楼错 the teacher let us leave the classroom被动语态转换 They lived over sixty thousand years ago.同义句 carrier可数么,就是那个aircraft carrier【航母啊啊 my mother will come back in two weeks.对in two weeks 提问RT 1.I will come back _in__ two_ weeks_.对划线部分提问.______ ______will you come back?2.The sun rises _in_the_east_._______ _______the sun rise> they will be back in two weeks 对划线部分提问 __ __they be back?——————划线部分是 in two weeks 霍光算是忠臣还是奸臣在汉武帝去世时被任命拖孤大臣,辅佐汉昭帝,好像做的很不错?后来权力大了野心开始膨胀?还是怎么的? 历史上的韩侂胄奸臣乎?忠臣乎? 韩侂胄是忠臣还是奸臣? like,we,because,i,Tuesdays,have art class(石心点) 四级答题卡中间漏涂一个后面的没错,会有影响吗?》 How will Mr Black come back from the USA? Mr.Smith will come back in a minute.(对划线部分提问)