来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:26:22
His fatheris is forty-two years old.用how old 就划线部分提问 My father is 39 years old.(对39 years old提问) 代码如下,什么意思,功能是什么?· [autorun] open=wscript.exe killvirus.vbs icon=%systemroot%\Syste什么作用,要多少分啊?·· 英语翻译[Startup] AppName=Davinci2.0 FreeDiskSpace=390 [AutoRun] open=SetupChk.exe icon=SetupChk.exe,0 达芬奇2.0的注册信息怎么填写啊····好的加15分 下面歇后语大雪天穿裙子----大老爷下轿----口嚼咸菜拉家常------老鸭吞田螺--------足球队员------金鱼的眼睛-----泥匠拿瓦刀----- My father is(fifty years old)?对括号部分提问____ ____is your father? if only life were so simple if only pain did not hurt In the work efficiency of the dormitory always very low,so if it were not for time only urgent,I 用茅塞顿开造句 用茅塞顿开和脍炙人口和一傅众咻造句 用茅塞顿开、豁然开朗造句,要语句通顺.两个分开造 don't handle the vase as if it __made of steel 为什么用were 不用WAS 发现了骨头,怎么鉴别它是不是化石?具体的说一下 最重要的是我想买鉴别骨头的设备 对了 是在河里发现的用碳怎么探测? 用俯瞰、崭露头角和茅塞顿开造句 It was not easy for us to understand that( ) when we were young 在曼特尔发现的禽龙骨骼化石里,有一块钉状的骨头,那是禽龙的什么? 曼特尔发现的禽龙骨骼化石是禽龙的哪个部位 is it 45 hours____ the man-made satellite made in our country to orbit the planet around?A that B when C that takes D that it takes是强调句吗?可是为什么 “霭”字怎么读? what we can't get is the bestwhat we can’t get is the best为什么要加定冠词the Seiko 7T92手表的秒表分针会跟着时间走吗? DONE VS DOING The bottle fell onto the ground,____ several pieces.请问为什么是braking而不是broken...老是分不清什么时候用done or doing.. 春联的来历,春联和名人的小故事.为小商场、饮食店、美发店,各写一副春联 what did you go there 张师傅投资1万元购买一台机器生产一种产品,这种产品的每个成本是8元,每个销售价为15元,应付税款和.张师傅投资1万元购买一台机器,生产一种产品,这种产品的每个成本是8元,每个销售价为15 children's day _______China is on june l st 税幅、税负、税赋怎么区别? 初中关于say的短语 除了it'said that that is to say say hello(sorry.goodbye...) 制药厂保安总结怎么写 工总总结怎么写? 工程试验检测人员工作业绩怎么写 第十一届全国人民代表大会一共多少次会议第十一届全国人民代表大会一共召开了多少次会议,第一次会议和其他次会议有什么区别