
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:00:20
他们都否定我,我该怎么办 求列式计算,不能设未知数,回答正确即采纳, 列式计算,没学未知数呢. 列式计算,还没学未知数呢. 仿写我的母亲老了 1.People often use e() to carry heavy things2.Dogs are very h().They can help people in many ways3.Let's play basketball together(改为疑问句) His parents have warned him about not working hard.这句话中没有用到warn sb.not to do sth.是因为有about吗? 1.They made an importent decision .the end of the meeting.A.in B.by C.on D.at(就是in the end 和at the end区别)2.She did it .respect for her parent.A.out of B.with C.in D.to3.Pieces of bamboo or wood.into booksA.used to be formed B.used to form 列式计算,不设未知数,一个直角三角形中,较大锐角是较小锐角的2倍,两个锐角各是多少度? 1.the music is often heard _______on the radio A.to play B.playedC.to be played D.playing 2.birds are seldom heard _______at nightA.sing B.singing C.to sing D.to be singing3.being done能不能放句首作主语或状语 -What a hot day!- We ____ such a hot weather for almost ten days.A.have been having B.are having C.have had D.had hadC.为什么不选A? 当妈妈什么时我就什么仿写 前赤壁赋 后赤壁赋 两篇文章的特色? 后赤壁赋与前赤壁赋描写景色区别 前赤壁赋和后赤壁赋的景色有何不同 谁有初一的带未知数的计算题(附赠答案)(步骤要全)100道含有未知数快着急用 前赤壁赋与后赤壁赋的区别 《灯光》 把 “我” 和郝副营长一起看书的样子描写出来是六年级人教版语文下册第11课《灯光》 《前赤壁赋》问题1、东波与客泛舟赤壁,饮酒唱歌甚乐,为什麼那吹箫的客人却箫声呜咽?2、有谓苏轼《赤壁赋》以旷达逍遥之理趣而自解.试就东波答客之言,析明这个说法.3、《后赤壁赋》中 求对《前赤壁赋》的评论急 泛爱众 弟子规“不论是什么人,我们都要互相关心爱护和尊敬,因为我们共同生长在同一片蓝天下,同一块土地上.”表达这个意思的句子是:,; ,. 弟子规 泛爱众篇中.泛爱众中有一句:天同覆 地同载 这个载读几声?为什么呐?一定要告诉我为什么!谢谢! 仿写如下,很着急的.最好是写母亲的  从古至今,那句话仍然长传不衰.人常道,吃一堑长一智.很多事情我们记的最深刻的或许不是预示着成功的喜悦,而是挫折给我们的那道刻骨铭心的伤疤. 关于有don't在前否定的反意疑问句回答:I don't think he will come tonight,_____ _____?She doesn't think he will come tonight,_____ _____?能归纳一下规律么~ Don't smoke ___ ___?(反意疑问句)急用! Don’t speak loudly,____ ____?(反意疑问句),有助于回答者给出准确的答案 郝副营长“沉思”的是 “多好啊”在课文中出现了()次.从这个“多好啊”可以体会到郝副营长? 郝副营长在战斗之前,聚精会神地看着图书中的一幅插图而默默地沉思.如果你是郝副营长,此时此刻你正在想第3课 《灯光》 威猛先生英语怎么说? 英语翻译1.To make out project plans.2.Assist project manager with supervising the development of all projects .3.Call the project conference,establish the meeting summary and document.4.In charge of the business communication with partnership to 英语感叹句的一个问题6.______ different life today is ______ what it was 30 years ago.A.How; from B.What a; from C.What; from D.How; with 用一根长16m的铁丝围成一个长方形,若其长比宽的2倍少1m,求长方形的面积.是一元一次方程