
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 19:07:58
造句,例HEflying a kite in the park the pace of life in beijing is stressful pace难道不应该是high 或者是low吗?为什么会用stressful来修饰呢 我现在在学倒装局,在做选择题的时候搞不清应该选完全倒装还是部分倒装,求英语学霸叫我分辨的方法 when I was young,I( )the Christmas presents must be from Santa Claus.填空那个词是 b 开头的 Susan and her parents are ____(sit)at the table.用适当的词填空 You have got nothing to c____ about.We all do the same here.补全单词 She seemed quite unaware of the other sitting around her.这里的seemed是表示那个人老早就坐在他身边了?还是这个句子是在说明过去发生的一件事了? 单选what was he living on when he just graduated from university —_ A To paintB painted Cpaint D painting SAT OC语法~One of the unforeseen consequences of the editor's management style is 这里主语是单数吗? Shirley和Sharry哪个英文名好听?都是雪莉的意思 英文名,Shirley这个会不会很土?呃.取英文名是跟名字比较接近的好,还是不一样的好呢?我名字叫陈雪丽.如果用Shirley .C 这格式没错吧?其实我喜欢简短点的,大家给个意见呗.PS:不要复制一大堆 when i was young,I d_____ the Christmas presents must be from Santa Claus. 圣诞老人正在给孩子们礼物.Santa Claus_ _ the children_,什么?谢谢 Three days later ,I finished the space ______(fly) 'i cannot oversee the fact that'这句话什么意思?我在看托福范文里面,有一句‘Finally,I cannot oversee the fact that many times studying at a university also means living in a city far from home.’从上下文,我感觉这一句的 SAT OC 语法!Early American factories did not so much replace household manufaturing (but complement) it.这里为什么要改成as complement 这样句意是什么啊 Thank you for your interest in HSBC, the world's local bank.什么意思? Thank you for your interest in the position of Buying Manager Thank you for your interest in Victor Chandler Worldwide. 51篇读书笔记带有好词好句不用感言和主要内容 只要注明是哪本书的第几回然后再摘抄一些词 句 段就行了如果答案好的再加50分必需是要同一本书啊 不要一本书写几会换一本 去年他总是爱生病 He______always________last year ( )(post) a book,Jane takes half an hour to get to post office,这空应该填post的什么形式 how much does each account cost? I hear Mr.Smith was writing a story last year and he still _____.A do B does C is D as选哪个?为什么? 英语翻译Thank you for your interest in our Resort.We will reply to you within two weeks.If no any reply,your application will be automatically kept into our talent bank.懂英语的朋友帮忙翻译一下? Thank you for your interest in Dungeon Fighter Online.Currently, Dungeon Fighter Online is going through a server maintenance and will be back up shortly. Please check the notice on the main page for more detail information and come back after the ga 英语翻译翻译内容为“我已发出扫描副本,您没收到吗?现再发一遍” Mr.Black may visit the Great Wall tomorrow.(改为同义句) _Mr.Black _ _the Great Well tomorrow. Mary is the most patient nurse in the hospital.(句意不变)Mary is more patient than ______ ______in this hospital.Mary is more patient than ______ ______ ______ in this hospital.Mary is more patient than ______ ______ ______ ______ in this hos jenny worked in a children is hospital as a nurse.one evening there was a 舞会 at the hospital .mo the office concerned为什么形容词后置为什么形容词后置? it's very near banking office,这里的near是介词还是形容词