
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:28:26
I didn't know you had come back 中的had come 不该用have came back吗I didn't know you had come back 和I don't know you have come back.意思是不是一样。感觉很少人说I didn't know.能说说在实际口语中的区别吗,还是说表 come back when you have finished the haitian gang missions Do I have to come back tomorrow?yes,you_______AcanBmayCmustDshould 我回到了温哥华 是i have come back vancouver 还是i have come back to vancouver come back when you have finished the Biker gang missions什么意识 ---did lucy come back eariy last night ---yes ,it was not yet 7:30 ( ) she arrive d home.z这里的it为什么不是表示强调啊 Did J ack come back early last night ---Yes,It was not yet eight __he arrived home.A that Bwhen Did Jack come back early last night?—Yes.It wDid Jack come back early last night?—Yes.It was not yet eight o’clock _______ he arrived home.A.before B.when C.that D.until Did Jack come back early last night?--Yes.It waDid Jack come back early last night?--Yes.It was not yet eight o’clock ________ he arrived home.A.before B.when C.that D.until arrive home 还是arrive at home back,what,you,night,come,did,home,time,last 连词成句 amy:yes, we're home. lohn:when did you come back? amy:we came back last sunday. When did you come back?or “When did you get back"?特殊语境?偶不懂耶,就直接讲When did you come back? when will he come back还是when he will come back啊啊啊啊,我都要疯了,现在初三,最近学了个宾语从句,为什么有好多问句的BE动词都换位置了?如果按照原来的说法,when will he come back?不是应该是正确的么, When__(were,did)you__(come,came)home last night?I___(came,come)home at nine. I don't know when he _(come)back.when he _(come)back,I will call you 英文翻译:今天是自己的生日.想对自己说:生日快乐! 英语翻译今天是我的20岁生日,未来才刚开始英文翻译 “今天,是你的生日,祝你幸福!”用英语翻译 英语翻译我属射手座.据说射手座总是向着既定目标策马扬鞭,奋勇前进.心胸豁达、不受过去的桎梏是射手座的特点.但同时冒冒失失,也常出现差池.我就是个典型的射手座. “今天我和大家讲一个关于我自己的故事”怎样用英语翻译 英汉互译急用 英语翻译我有一个好朋友,她是一个女孩她很可爱,我们有一样的爱好我很想念她,他是我永远的朋友· 英语翻译 英语翻译 人教版八年级下册英语四单元B部分的3a翻译 人教版八年级英语下册20页3a翻译 人教版新目标八年级下册英语7单元A部分3A的翻译 3单元的3a及翻译 英语翻译 仿写八年级下英语第一单元的SectionB 3a 求新目标八年级上册英语第十单元SectionB 3a 原文我没带英语书啊.但是又急需用书.求SectionB 3a 原文就可以了.